Dailymines. Part 4: 1 + 2 = 65,000

Now let’s all do some Math together. Let’s use the ENTERPRISE PLAN as our subject for this.
Let’s invest $50,000. The DAILY ROI (Return on Investment) is 1.75% which is $875.
The plan goes for 300 days. Giving us a total of $262,500 ROI after 300 days.
This is supposedly earned by “Renting” a “Miner”.
The Hash rate on the ENETRPRISE Plan is 471,700 GH/S
So let’s look at some bitcoin mining calculators to see how much profit that Hash Power can produce.




Example 1: $26,098 PROFIT PER YEAR
Example 2: $35.23 Profit Per Day / $12,858 PROFIT PER YEAR
Example 3: $12,430 PROFIT PER YEAR
That is also not taking into consideration the Cost of Electricity .

Even with an extra 65 days ( the dailymines plans are 300 days not a year)…. The miners in the examples would make about $50,000 profit COMBINED…… and nothing like the $262,500 Guaranteed by Dailymines. Oh and did i mention that Dailymines give your original investment back at the end of the 300 days too ?

It’s clearly NOT A CLOUD MINING company.

