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Jack is the brilliant mind behind Darknet Diaries. He played a pivotal role in bringing bring Joel and Steve together. Jack’s unwavering support and guidance have been invaluable to us, and we are thankful for his existence. Check out his podcast.

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Daniel is a true inspiration to those he comes in contact with. His unwavering support and vast knowledge have been invaluable to us, and his patience and understanding towards our basic questions have made our learning experience a smooth and enjoyable one. He’s a good human. Daniel has just launched CYBEROU, a company that provides authentic cybersecurity content that resonates with a technical audience for a fixed fee.

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Protecting consumers from getting scammed from worldwide operators requires bringing together governments, law enforcement, consumer protection orgs, financial authorities, and more.

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Pocket Universe is a free browser extension that keeps your assets safe when you sign web3 transactions.

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When utilizing decentralized applications (dapps) such as Uniswap or OpenSea, it is necessary to authorize them to access and utilize your tokens and non-fungible tokens (NFTs). This authorization, commonly referred to as an “allowance,” grants the dapp the ability to spend your tokens. However, if these allowances are not revoked, the dapp retains perpetual access to your tokens. Regain complete control by revoking these allowances, ensuring your tokens are no longer at the disposal of the dapp.

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Dedicated to providing the most up-to-date and comprehensive research on blockchain, DeFi, NFTs, and other web 3.0 projects. With a proven track record, the IO team has effectively conducted investigations and assisted individuals in collaborating with law enforcement agencies, yielding positive outcomes.
The Interlock team is dedicated to constructing security products based on blockchain technology and establishing a comprehensive threat intelligence network, aimed at safeguarding the decentralized finance (DeFi) ecosystem.

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ScamAdvisor assists millions of consumers every month to discover and avoid scam websites.

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Lossless introduces an additional layer of security for blockchain transactions, safeguarding chosen projects and their communities against malicious attacks and the resulting financial harm.

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Bug Bounties, Security Research, Exploit Development, Proof of Concepts, and Cybersecurity Banter.
Authentic cybersecurity content as a subscription.

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Empowering readers with knowledge to recognize and steer clear of cryptocurrency scams, phishing schemes, and various financial fraudulent activities.

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Security Researcher working to bring awareness to threats

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